En världskarta av OER initiativ!

UNESCO rapporteras bjuda in till ett projekt där OER initiativ från hela världen kartläggs och sen visualiseras som en världskarta.

De säger såhär själva: ”A map would give us the big picture of the global OER movement. It
would help us communicate the story of OER. Furthermore, it could be enhanced with
information such as OER initiatives by language, and with links to other maps. And it would help
us connect.”

Projektet startar snart och tidsmässigt ser det ut såhär:

Week 1: What could an OER world map look like?
12- 16 November: Why map the OER landscape
Essential information and visual presentation

Week 2: Could a world map be built collaboratively?
19-23 November: Organizational approach for collaboration
Ensuring the quality of the information

Week 3: Reflection and next steps
26-30 November: Design of an “OER World Map”
Resources available/needed
